• Continuous Grazing

    In this method, animals are allowed to have unrestricted, uninterrupted access to a specific unit of land throughout the entire or part of the grazing season.

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  • Rotational Grazing

    This system is developed by subdividing a large pasture into two or more smaller paddocks and grazing these paddocks in a planned sequence.

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  • Strip Grazing

    Strip grazing utilizes a portable electric fence to fence off enough forage for a short time period and then moving the fence forward providing a new allocation of forage.

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  • Creep Grazing

    Younger animals have access to a pasture of higher quality forage through a creep gate. Allowing young animals to graze the nutritious pasture and supplement their mother’s milk.

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  • Forward Grazing

    This method is often used to graze animals with higher nutritional needs (i.e. growing calves) first to allow them to selectively graze the more nutritious forages in a paddock

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View our entire range of grazing products. We try and source the best products from Irish manufacturers, if we cannot get items through Irish manufacturers we will get items from Irish suppliers. Our goal is to retain as much business as possible within Ireland.
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